New Look 6150 Wrap Tops

New look Simplicity sewing pattern dressmaking wrap top jeggings

Hi peeps, 
This is just a quick post about a couple of wrap tops I made recently in my quest to get some wearable handmade pieces into my wardrobe.

I used New Look 6150, view C to make them. The instructions were really easy to follow and it didn't take too long to do, which I also approve of. So yeah, no complaints about the pattern.

I originally made one out of black jersey leftover from various other projects, and then liked it so much I thought I'd make one in red - the same fabric as my Giraffe Neck Top. The only alteration I made was that I lengthened the second one by a couple of inches - the original is a perfectly fine length, I just prefer things slightly longer. And that's basically all there is to say on this, so now it's photo time! I've not done a photoshoot with the red one yet, so you'll have to rough it with sexy mannequin shots.

Black wrap top new look sewing pattern 6150 dressmaking

Red New Look 6150 sewing pattern wrap top dressmaking

New look Simplicity sewing pattern dressmaking wrap top jeggings

New look Simplicity sewing pattern dressmaking wrap top jeggings

New look Simplicity sewing pattern dressmaking wrap top jeggings


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